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YAW on triggers

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:33 am
by tdg

Just got my CF, already dented a motor, power cut out at 3m... opps! Thinking about putting some cotton bud in the gap between the arm and motor to stop this happening again.
I'm currently using a 360 controller, which is working well. However having the yaw and thrust on the left thumb stick is difficult, as adjusting yaw causes the thrust to drop.

What I would like to do is make the left trigger change yaw left (don't know which way is positive or negative) and the right trigger change yaw right. However, I cant figure out how to make this work.
I tried adding two yaw settings (one for positive correction, one for negative) on the respective triggers, however this doesn't work. Also tried mapping the bumper buttons, but that didn't work either.

Anybody have any suggestions? Thanks in Advance!

Re: YAW on triggers

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:57 pm
by marcus

Unfortunately this isn't possible yet. The problem is that these are seen as buttons (i.e 1/0) and not as analog axis. Currently the buttons cannot be mapped for something that needs an analog axis (roll/pitch/yaw/thrust) but there's an issue reported for this and we will look into if we can solve this in a good way.


Re: YAW on triggers

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:35 pm
by zak
Hi guys,

I'm back up and running after a long break - my Flie went missing and unfortunately had to be replaced! I'm trying to do something similar, though I thought the right and left triggers on both the PS3 and Xbox gamepads were analogue axes.

Using the combined axis detection dialogue in the client appears to work (both axes are assigned in the json file with the line "ids: [2, 5] or [12, 13] for Xbox and PS3 respectively), but I don't get the desired result. Rather than yaw being zero while both triggers are released, the yaw is completely set to one side - to keep the Flie from spinning, you have to carefully keep the trigger at its midpoint!

Has anyone else here managed to get yaw working with the left trigger giving yaw left and the right trigger giving yaw right or am I missing something obvious? I'm using the latest client from mercurial with the latest firmware (built from the repository), running in a Ubuntu guest VM (based off the Bitcraze VM v0.2) on OS X.

Re: YAW on triggers

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:13 pm
by dbenesj
Hi zak,
I'm using yaw on L2 and R2 buttons. But I'm using Genius MaxFire Blaze5 gamepad so I have not an idea if it is the same as for PS or Xbox.
But configuring is easier than you might think. I just opened config dialog, select the yaw detection a pushed the R2 to the max. That was all, no combined axis or something else.
Controlling yaw on those buttons is far better than having throttle on the same stick.

Re: YAW on triggers

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:34 am
by zak
Thanks for the reply dbenesj! Given you had no trouble, I went back and tried to connect my controller via Bluetooth with QTsixA rather than USB. Once I'd done that, it worked perfectly with the configuration I'd tried to get working before, though using the input configuration screen is still a bit wonky. I'm hoping that tweaking the QTsixA configuration (I think it's reading from the accelerometers) should be able to fix it.

Re: YAW on triggers

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:10 pm
by essorrac
Hi Zak,

I've tried setting up combined axis for the yaw on the shoulder buttons of a ps3 controller... and am experiencing exactly the same problem than you described : the state 'eeverything released' is not considered as a zero and the flie spins madly until you find the correct balance.

Yet, contrary to you I'm already using QtSixA with bluetooth... and experiencing it.

Any idea why this did solve your problem ?

Re: YAW on triggers

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:58 pm
by orcinus
AFAIK, L2 and R2 on the PS3 controller are TWO axes, not a single axis.
That means that pressing R2 while calibrating the yaw axis will assign the whole yaw range to R2.

So R2 released = yaw full left, and R2 pressed = yaw full right.

You'd need to have the yaw range split between L2 and R2, so that L2min = yaw 0; L2max = yaw full left; R2min = yaw 0 and R2max = yaw full right.
That's not supported, as far as i know.