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Control offboard for the crazyflie using optitrack cameras and ROS.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 6:27 am
by Carlos719

I am a beginner in this topic, and I would like to know how to implement my control laws in the crazyflie using optitrack cameras and ROS. So far, I have installed ROS kinetic in Ubuntu 16.04 and have used the package vrpn_client_ros "", given that until where I have read it is the way to stream the information of Motive software to the computer with Linux by employing ROS, but when I run the package with "roslaunch vrpn_client_ros sample.launch server:=" and i use "rostopic /vrpn_client_ros/RigidBody1/pose", I have the following problem "Warning: topic [vrnp_client_ros/RigidBody1/pose] does not appear to be published yet", by another hand, I have also used the package crazyswarm " ... /", but I would like to know if it is possible to modify the code to use the optitrack cameras, since in the package above is not made use of vrpn.

I appreciate your assistance.

Re: Control offboard for the crazyflie using optitrack cameras and ROS.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:44 am
by kristoffer

You will probably get better help in the Crazyswarm repository. You can find their documentation here and the repository here (your link was pointing at a fork of crazyswarm)