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Lighthouse deck disables barometer

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:49 pm
by naiveHobo
I'm trying to log the barometer log variables (temperature, pressure, asl). I get plausible log values when I use a crazyflie without the lighthouse deck but when the lighthouse deck is attached, the barometer log values are always zero. Is this a bug? Or do I need to enable the barometer explicitly when the lighthouse deck is attached?

Re: Lighthouse deck disables barometer

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:04 am
by kimberly
Hi !

I was able to recreate this too! This is indeed strange and most definitely a bug. We will try to investigate this at the office. Perhaps the lighthouse is holding some kind of reset pin, but I don't think that any part of the IMU is connected to the deck pins (I think)

I'll let you know once we know more!

Re: Lighthouse deck disables barometer

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:27 pm
by kimberly
So it seems that this is not a hardware issue, as I see the same thing with the flowdeck too. If you would change the estimator in paramters (stabilizer.estimator) to the complementary filter (number 1), the baro log works again. But ofcourse this estimator type is not suitable for the lighthouse system and should only be used for manual flight.

In the kalman filter there is this KALMAN_USE_BARO_UPDATE, but this shouldn't be affecting the log variable of the baro itself... so it will require some more investigation. But at least you know that it is not only lighthouse deck related!