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New to Drones, Compatible Joystic for Crazyflie

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:45 am
by LuisDrone

I am completely new to drones. I would like to purchase the crazyflie. I see in the website that it needs an PC compatible joystick. Can you please recommend me one that will work?
I live in Belgium, do you have any other resellers in Europe? Thank you,


Re: New to Drones, Compatible Joystic for Crazyflie

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:01 pm
by foosel
I've been having good results with a Microsoft XBox 360 controller for Windows (the "for Windows" part is important). But there are cheaper options available that should work as well. Any USB gamepade with two analog sticks and a couple of buttons should in principle work.

Re: New to Drones, Compatible Joystic for Crazyflie

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:07 pm
by Surrender
Here are also described other options how to control the crazyflie:

I love it to fly with the eSky transmitter, but that is just my opinion.

Re: New to Drones, Compatible Joystic for Crazyflie

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:40 am
by foosel
Seconding the ESKY Transmitter, haven't looked back since I got mine. But since the OP explicitly asked for a joystick, I though I'd give an opinion there as well ;)

Re: New to Drones, Compatible Joystic for Crazyflie

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:08 pm
by Shuriken
I live in Raleigh, NC and I just got mine, new model. I tried the XBOX 360 since I have several. Seems that this is a bit of a problem unless you already have one specifically made for the PC. I won't go into the long story. So, I just got one that was PC compatible...Logitec Gamepad F310. Seems to do ok. At first, on my XP SP2, it wouldn't find any drivers. It finally found and used the X360 drivers!! Go figure. And no, you don't have to push the center logo button to make it work.