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Autonomous Flight Two Red LEDs

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:58 pm
by snyderthorst
I have just implemented some code that is supposed to allow the crazyflie to hover autonomously (without the computer) based off the ICRA 2017 demo code for retrace. This is the code:

Code: Select all

#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "stabilizer_types.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "sitaw.h" //for drop and tumble stuff
#include "commander.h"
#include "ledseq.h"
#include "autonomous.h"

#include "debug.h"
#include "locodeck.h"
#include "sensors.h"
#include "estimator_kalman.h"
#include "sequencer.h"

static void exitStateUninit();

static void enterStateWaitPosLock();
static void handleStateWaitPosLock();
static void exitStateWaitPosLock();

static void enterStatePosLocked();
static void handleStatePosLocked();
static void exitStatePosLocked();

static void enterStateTakeOff();
static void handleStateTakeOff();
static void exitStateTakeOff();

static void enterStateLand();
static void handleStateLand();
static void exitStateLand();

static void enterStatePlayPreRecorded();
static void handleStatePlayPreRecorded();
static void exitStatePlayPreRecorded();

static void enterStateStop();
static void handleStateStop();
static void exitStateStop();

#include "sequences.h"

  Each sequence or actin will correspond to a state that the crazyflie is in
  It can enter the state, handle the state, and exit the state. These are
  Callback functions declared above and defined below
typedef struct {
  void (*enter)();
  void (*handle)();
  void (*exit)();
} state_handler_t;

typedef enum {
  ST_UNINIT = 0,
} at_state_t;

state_handler_t stateHandlers[] = {
  {enter: 0,                         handle: 0,                          exit: exitStateUninit},
  {enter: enterStateWaitPosLock,     handle: handleStateWaitPosLock,     exit: exitStateWaitPosLock},
  {enter: enterStatePosLocked,       handle: handleStatePosLocked,       exit: exitStatePosLocked},
  {enter: enterStateTakeOff,         handle: handleStateTakeOff,         exit: exitStateTakeOff},
  // {enter: enterStateRecordTrace,     handle: handleStateRecordTrace,     exit: exitStateRecordTrace},
  // {enter: enterStateRetrace,         handle: handleStateRetrace,         exit: exitStateRetrace},
  {enter: enterStatePlayPreRecorded, handle: handleStatePlayPreRecorded, exit: exitStatePlayPreRecorded},
  {enter: enterStateLand,            handle: handleStateLand,            exit: exitStateLand},
  {enter: enterStateStop,            handle: handleStateStop,            exit: exitStateStop},

static xTimerHandle timer;
static bool isInit = false;
static void autonomousFlight();
static void changeState(at_state_t newState);
static at_state_t state = ST_UNINIT;

static void moveSetPoint(point_t* point);

static setpoint_t setpoint;

#define NR_OF_POSITIONS 2000
static point_t positions[NR_OF_POSITIONS];
static sequence_t sequence;
static sequence_t landSeq;
static sequence_t path;
static sequence_t takeOffSequence;
static bool hasFlown = false;

#define LOCK_LENGTH 50
#define LOCK_THRESHOLD 0.001f
static uint32_t lockWriteIndex;
static float lockData[LOCK_LENGTH][3];
static void resetLockData();

//Initialize autonomous flight
void autonomousInit(void){
  consolePrintf("Initializing Autonomous flight...\n");
  consolePrintf("Creating Paths for flight...\n");
  sequenceInit(&sequence, NR_OF_POSITIONS, positions);
  sequenceInit(&path, sizeof(seqDataMain)/sizeof(point_t), seqDataMain);
  sequenceInitStatic(&landSeq, sizeof(seqDataLand)/sizeof(point_t), seqDataLand);
  sequenceInitStatic(&takeOffSequence, sizeof(seqDataLand)/sizeof(point_t), seqDataTakeOff);
  consolePrintf("Paths created\n");
  consolePrintf("Setting flight mode...\n");
  setpoint.setEmergency = false;
  setpoint.resetEmergency = true;
  setpoint.xmode = 0b0111;
  setpoint.ymode = 0b0111;
  setpoint.zmode = 0b0111;
  setpoint.mode.x = modeAbs;
  setpoint.mode.y = modeAbs;
  setpoint.mode.z = modeAbs;
  consolePrintf("Flight modes set\nReseting Location Lock...\n");
  consolePrintf("Location Lock reset\n");
  //create the timer that runs this every time
  consolePrintf("Creating OS timer for execution...\n");
  timer = xTimerCreate("AutonomousTimer", M2T(100), pdTRUE, NULL, autonomousFlight);
  xTimerStart(timer, 100);
  consolePrintf("Timer created and started\n");
  isInit = true;

* Reset lock on position
static void resetLockData() {
  lockWriteIndex = 0;
  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < LOCK_LENGTH; i++) {
    lockData[i][0] = FLT_MAX;
    lockData[i][1] = FLT_MAX;
    lockData[i][2] = FLT_MAX;

static bool hasLock() {
  bool result = false;

  //Store current state
  lockData[lockWriteIndex][0] = getVarPX();
  lockData[lockWriteIndex][1] = getVarPY();
  lockData[lockWriteIndex][2] = getVarPZ();

  if(lockWriteIndex >= LOCK_LENGTH) {//wrap around lock data
    lockWriteIndex = 0;

  //check if locked
  int count = 0;

  float lXMax = FLT_MIN;
  float lYMax = FLT_MIN;
  float lZMax = FLT_MIN;

  float lXMin = FLT_MAX;
  float lYMin = FLT_MAX;
  float lZMin = FLT_MAX;

  for (int i = 0; i < LOCK_LENGTH; i++){
    if(lockData[i][0] != FLT_MAX){

      lXMax = fmaxf(lXMax, lockData[i][0]);
      lYMax = fmaxf(lYMax, lockData[i][1]);
      lZMax = fmaxf(lZMax, lockData[i][2]);

      lXMin = fminf(lXMax, lockData[i][0]);//DEBUG MAYBE
      lYMin = fminf(lYMin, lockData[i][1]);
      lZMin = fminf(lZMin, lockData[i][2]);


  uint16_t state = locodeckGetAnchorState();
  int anchorCount = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
    if((1 << i) & state){

  result = (count >= LOCK_LENGTH) && ((lXMax - lXMin) < LOCK_THRESHOLD) && (lYMax - lYMin < LOCK_THRESHOLD) && ((lZMax - lZMin) < LOCK_THRESHOLD && sensorsAreCalibrated() && anchorCount >= 4);

  return result;

static void autonomousFlight() {

  //This is the function that the OS runs everytime the timer expires


bool autonomousTest(void){
  return isInit;

* New setpoint, move the crazyflie
static void moveSetPoint(point_t* point){
  static point_t lastpoint;
  static point_t lastVelocity;

  (setpoint.x)[0] = point->x; //position
  (setpoint.x)[1] = (point->x - lastpoint.x)*0.1f; //velocity
  (setpoint.x)[2] = (setpoint.x[1] - lastVelocity.x)*0.1f; //acceleration
  (setpoint.y)[0] = point->y;
  (setpoint.y)[1] = (point->y - lastpoint.y)*0.1f;
  (setpoint.y)[2] = (setpoint.y[1] - lastVelocity.y)*0.1f;
  (setpoint.z)[0] = point->z;
  (setpoint.z)[1] = (point->z - lastpoint.z)*0.1f;
  (setpoint.z)[3] = (setpoint.z[1] - lastVelocity.z)*0.1f; //DEBUG MAYBE
  setpoint.yaw[0] = 0;
  setpoint.yaw[1] = 0;

  setpoint.position = *point;

  commanderSetSetpoint(&setpoint, 3);

  lastpoint = *point;
  lastVelocity.x = setpoint.x[1];
  lastVelocity.y = setpoint.y[1];
  lastVelocity.z = setpoint.z[1];

* Enter a new state, see stateHandlers array at top to see what callbacks and
* states there are
static void changeState(at_state_t newState){
  if(state != newState){//if not already in the new state
    stateHandlers[state].exit();//exit the previous state
    state = newState;//change states
    stateHandlers[state].enter();//enter the new state

static void enterStateWaitPosLock(){

static void handleStateWaitPosLock(){
static void exitStateWaitPosLock(){
  hasFlown = true;

static void enterStatePosLocked(){

static void handleStatePosLocked(){
static void exitStatePosLocked(){


static void enterStateTakeOff(){
static void handleStateTakeOff(){
  if(sequenceHasNext(&takeOffSequence)){//If there is another point in the sequence
    point_t* point = sequenceReplay(&takeOffSequence);
  }else{//Reached last point in the takeoff sequence! Time for another thing!
static void exitStateTakeOff(){


static void enterStateLand(){
static void handleStateLand(){
  if(sequenceHasNext(&landSeq)){//Keep coming on down
    point_t* point = sequenceReplay(&landSeq);
  }else{//Last point in landing sequence!
static void exitStateLand(){


static void enterStatePlayPreRecorded(){
static void handleStatePlayPreRecorded(){
    point_t* point = sequenceReplay(&path);//advance one setpoint in the sequence
  }else{//Finished our sequence!
static void exitStatePlayPreRecorded(){


static void enterStateStop(){

static void handleStateStop(){
  setpoint.setEmergency = true;
  setpoint.resetEmergency = false;
  setpoint.mode.x = modeDisable;
  setpoint.mode.y = modeDisable;
  setpoint.mode.z = modeDisable;
  setpoint.thrust = 0;

  commanderSetSetpoint(&setpoint, 3);
static void exitStateStop(){


static void exitStateUninit(){
When I flash and restart my CF, the front two LEDs turn solid red, I don't hear the startup tone, and the console only prints out "Booting..." as per my system.c file:

Code: Select all

// This must be the first module to be initialized!
void systemInit(void)

  canStartMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
  xSemaphoreTake(canStartMutex, portMAX_DELAY);


  /* Initialized hear and early so that DEBUG_PRINT (buffered) can be used early */

  consolePrintf("config init complete\n");
  consolePrintf("worker init complete\n");
  consolePrintf("ADC init complete\n");
  consolePrintf("LED init complete\n");
  consolePrintf("Battery init complete\n");
  consolePrintf("Buzzer init complete\n");
  consolePrintf("Autonomous init complete\n");

  isInit = true;
I'm not sure where the drone is hanging. I've done a little research and it seems like the two red LEDs means an assert has been hit, but I'm not sure where. I've put print statements in the configInitBlock function and I don't see them at all:

Code: Select all

int configblockInit(void)
    return 0;
  consolePrintf("Initializing Config Block...");

  // Because of strange behavior from I2C device during expansion port test
  // the first read needs to be discarded

  if (eepromTestConnection())
    if (eepromReadBuffer((uint8_t *)&configblock, 0, sizeof(configblock)))
      //Verify the config block
      if (configblockCheckMagic(&configblock))
        if (configblockCheckVersion(&configblock))
          if (configblockCheckChecksum(&configblock))
            // Everything is fine
            consolePrintf("v%d, Verification [OK]\n", configblock.version);
            DEBUG_PRINT("v%d, verification [OK]\n", configblock.version);
            cb_ok = true;
            consolePrintf("Vericication [FAIL]\n");
            DEBUG_PRINT("Verification [FAIL]\n");
            cb_ok = false;
        else // configblockCheckVersion
          // Check data integrity of old version data
          if (configblock.version <= VERSION &&
              configblockCheckDataIntegrity((uint8_t *)&configblock, configblock.version))
            // Not the same version, try to upgrade
            if (configblockCopyToNewVersion(&configblock, &configblockDefault))
              // Write updated config block to eeprom
              if (configblockWrite(&configblock))
                cb_ok = true;
            // Can't copy old version due to bad data.
            cb_ok = false;

  if (cb_ok == false)
    // Copy default data to used structure.
    memcpy((uint8_t *)&configblock, (uint8_t *)&configblockDefault, sizeof(configblock));
    // Write default configuration to eeprom
    if (configblockWrite(&configblockDefault))
      cb_ok = true;
      return -1;

  isInit = true;

  return 0;
Thanks in advance!

Re: Autonomous Flight Two Red LEDs

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:31 pm
by snyderthorst
I've figured out that the CF will boot and act normal if I comment out the xTimerStart() in my autonomous.c (first code snippet), but then my autonomous function will not be called. Is there a known issue with this? Is there another way I could implement this?

Re: Autonomous Flight Two Red LEDs

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:39 am
by tobias
As you say you are probably an assert or hard fault. Might be because of stack overflow. Try increasing the timer stack size here.

Re: Autonomous Flight Two Red LEDs

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 3:29 pm
by snyderthorst
Thanks for the reply!

It turns out that I just needed to make callback functions for the enter and handle states of the uninit state. The drone would hang because it didn't know how to leave that state when the function it was calling was 0.