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update on official CAD files for cf2?

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:21 pm
by southpawflo
hello everyone. after purchasing a crazyflie 2.0 I was excited to see what I could do in terms of frames with my 3d printer, but unfortunately I cannot find any non-application specific files (the .skp for sketchup) - or ones that don't already have several modifications - of the crazyflie 2.0. there have been a couple other threads talking about this, and someone from bitcraze mentioned that the files hadn't been published yet. I think that was from 2015. is there an update on that at all? I'm pretty brand-new to this stuff, and poking around the bitcraze-mechanics github page there's nothing that I'm actually looking for. if I'm just looking around in the wrong place, could someone direct me to the right one?

thank you for taking the time to read this.

- MK