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Problem using Crazyflie and VICON with ROS

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:31 pm
by thanhvu94

I'm currently using the Crazyflie ROS package of Wolfgang Hoenig and the VICON ROS package of clearpathrobotics ( on the Raspberry Pi 3.

First of all, I tried to run the hover_vicon.launch demo file but it requires a call to "vicon_bridge" package. However, I cannot install this package successfully because there is no SDK file. The detailed error is like this issue:

Is there any solution to install this file into my current ROS package, or how to modify the launch file so that I can control the Crazyflie with another VICON ROS package (like the clearpathrobotics one).

Thank you,

Re: Problem using Crazyflie and VICON with ROS

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:47 am
by whoenig
VRPN is the only option for ARM-based devices. You can look at hover_vrpn.launch for an example on how to use it.