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CF2 restarts when both LPS and SD card are mounted

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:10 pm
by sstroobants
Hi there,

As the title says, when I try to mount both the SD deck and the LPS deck, the CF2 restarts and the LPS deck does not work (LEDs not lighting up after second restart). If I remove only the SD card, but not the deck, the LPS deck does work however.
I am aware of the issues with using both these decks simultaneously that are caused by the SPI, but this seems to be something different.

Below you can see the console output (where the restart is obvious).

SYS: ----------------------------
SYS: Crazyflie 2.0 is up and running!
SYS: Build 40:0583fa65062c (2019.02 +40) CLEAN
SYS: I am 0x313139313535511400400030 and I have 1024KB of flash!
CFGBLK: v1, verification [OK]
DECK_CORE: 2 deck(s) found
DECK_CORE: Calling INIT on driver bcUSD for deck 0
uSD: mount SD-Card [OK].
uSD: Config read [OK].
uSD: Frequency: 250Hz. Buffer size: 100
uSD: Filename: log00
uSD: enOnStartup: 1. mode: 2
uSD: slots: 24, 92
DECK_CORE: Calling INIT on driver bcDWM1000 for deck 1
uSD: wait for sensors
MPU9250 I2C connection [OK].
AK8963 I2C connection [OK].
LPS25H I2C connection [OK].
ESTIMATOR: Using Kalman (2) estimator
CONTROLLER: Using PID (1) controller
PLATFORM: Low interference mode. NRF51 TX power offset by -12db.
EEPROM: I2C connection [OK].
AK8963: Self test [OK].
DECK_CORE: Deck 0 test [OK].
DECK_CORE: Deck 1 test [OK].
STAB: Wait for sensor calibration...
SYS: Free heap: 9832 bytes
SYS: ----------------------------
SYS: Crazyflie 2.0 is up and running!
SYS: Build 40:0583fa65062c (2019.02 +40) CLEAN
SYS: I am 0x313139313535511400400030 and I have 1024KB of flash!
CFGBLK: v1, verification [OK]
DECK_CORE: 2 deck(s) found
DECK_CORE: Calling INIT on driver bcUSD for deck 0
uSD: mount SD-Card [OK].
uSD: Config read [OK].
uSD: Frequency: 250Hz. Buffer size: 100
uSD: Filename: log00
uSD: enOnStartup: 1. mode: 2
uSD: slots: 24, 92
DECK_CORE: Calling INIT on driver bcDWM1000 for deck 1
uSD: wait for sensors
MPU9250 I2C connection [OK].
AK8963 I2C connection [OK].
ESTIMATOR: Using Kalman (2) estimator
CONTROLLER: Using PID (1) controller
PLATFORM: Low interference mode. NRF51 TX power offset by -12db.
EEPROM: I2C connection [OK].
AK8963: Self test [OK].
DECK_CORE: Deck 0 test [OK].
DECK_CORE: Deck 1 test [OK].
SYS: The system resumed after watchdog timeout [WARNING]
SYS: No assert information found

Re: CF2 restarts when both LPS and SD card are mounted

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 1:27 pm
by sstroobants
Just tested it and the same happens when I try to connect both the SD card reader and the flow deck... So it seems this is not the correct place for this post... Let me know if there is a better place to ask this