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How to deal with the data sent to the crazyflie by radio

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 2:46 pm
by dinglei
I am using your package to control the Crazyflie 2.0.I have a question:
you know: the attitude setting is passed to the aircraft via radio. Since the aircraft is sent to the attitude setting, why does the underlying code of the aircraft have positional control? How to deal with the data sent to the aircraft by radio?
thank you!

Re: How to deal with the data sent to the crazyflie by radio

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:26 am
by arnaud
Please do not double post, I removed the 4 other copy of this question from random threads.

The controller in the Crazyflie has mutiple mode, via the radio we can send an attitude setpoint (good for teleop), or a position setpoint.

In the LPS ros package, the position setpoint is sent to the Crazyflie using the roll/pitch/thrust values in the attitude setpoint packet. This was done at a time where there was no position setpoint packet available in the Crazyflie. Nowadays we could add a dedicated position setpoint radio packet but it would need to be added to the ROS package too.

Re: How to deal with the data sent to the crazyflie by radio

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 12:49 am
by dinglei
Hello !
There is a problem in controlling UAVs: when the actual position is in error with the desired position, the output of the position controller is not 0,which is 1 or 2 or less, the UAV's attitude is not adjusted. In other words, when the position control output posture set value is relatively small, the UAV's attitude controller is not adjusted, guess is due to the attitude controller plus dead zone, please give confirmation, thank you!

Re: How to deal with the data sent to the crazyflie by radio

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:28 am
by arnaud
I am not sure tu understand your problem, can you please describe a little bit:
- What is your setup (ie. are you using ROS, what launch file, what controller are you using, on what OS, etc...)?
- What are you trying to achieve?
- What are you expecting to see and what are you seeing instead?