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Crazyflie 2 Printable Chasis

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 4:50 am
by Brebs
Hi there,

This is my first post and well, rather than a question, I wanted to share my Chasis design for the CF2.


A link here can give you all that I made and some basic instructions.

I purposely put an angle in the POD arm to remove stress from the Mainboard in the event of a collision.
I also separated the legs from the PODS to also protect and to absorb landing stress.
I have also made a Power Protector that you just squeeze on and off saving your little CF2 from switch damage :)

32 Grams with CF2

Enjoy and thank you :)


Re: Crazyflie 2 Printable Chasis

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:36 am
by arnaud
Hi Breds,

Thanks for sharing!

Does the fact that you have longer arms to the motors affect the flight performances? I would think that the attitude PID control loop would need different tunning parameter if the motor position is changed.

Anyway it looks really good, we will try to print it to test.


Re: Crazyflie 2 Printable Chasis

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:31 pm
by Brebs
Hey there,

Well, so far my test have been small and ok. However, you may indeed be correct. If so I can adjust it as initially in my design, the legs were still using the PODs for the support, and the angle took the pressure away from the POD arm. So now making it straight (if required) is easy and maybe needed.

good luck and I hope it goes ok for you.
