Possible DOA Crazyflie

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Re: Possible DOA Crazyflie

Post by tobias »

Then it is most likely the USB connector that is glitchy or broken. Do you have access to a multimeter? Then connect the USB cable and measure the voltage at the holes located just behind the USB connector, just as jweather wrote. It should measure about 5V. Also check the connector soldering. Does it seem fine?
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Joined: Thu May 16, 2013 10:38 pm

Re: Possible DOA Crazyflie

Post by kevinthecyborg »

so you haven't tried to connect to the CR either?
Not until now. I just tried that and was able to connect to the CrazyRadio and also updated to the latest firmware.

@tobias - No I don't have a multimeter so I can't test the power on the USB unfortunately. The soldering on the USB seems fine, as well as the soldering on the entire crazyflie itself. There's physically nothing that seems loose or out of place.

A couple other things to mention:

When I have the battery in the crazyflie but the crazyflie powered OFF, the lights come ON when the USB cable is inserted.

When I have the battery in the crazyflie OUT, the lights still do NOTHING when the USB cable is inserted.

I'm no expert, but it seems the USB connector is not taking in any power to the crazyflie.

I've contacted seeedstudio for support on a return.


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