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Re: yawing in specific height

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 8:25 am
by kimberly
These are the default controller and estimator yes, so you don't have to do anything and they are already implemented by standard.

Re: yawing in specific height

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 9:11 am
by RyanMco
but actually I guess that I need to do anything for them, because what's going is like this:
in take off command I use flowdeck, then there's switch once I call goto command, so when I call from script goTo command to for instance goal=[1 3 4] (x,y,z) then my crazyflie go there to that point by external positioning system(not by flowdeck) and hovering there like crazy with deviation and not stable ... maybe at external position I guess I must config into configuration of make file parameters to use specific estimator/controller(which estimator to use and which controller to use)?!

Re: yawing in specific height

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 9:44 am
by kimberly
The estimator and controller you need to use is still Kalman and PID. The external position that is put into your Kalman (in the code called estimatorEnqueuePosition, with a struct with the position and the standard deviation that Arnaud was talking about), is probably not good, or the kalman filter, and needs to be investigated. The best way to investigate is, to fly the coordinates with your flowdeck alone and to not put your position estimate in the kalmanfilter but log it separately. Compare it to the position estimate you get with the flowdeck alone.

Kalman filter is your only choice in the firmware if you have a velocity (flowdeck) or position estimate. PID is your only choice since if you do not have a perfect position estimate (like with mocap, or lighthouse), the Mellinger controller is way too aggressive of a controller and will just make it worse. Knowing that, you need to dig in deeper in the kalmanfilter, so please read up on the theory and get somebody to help you from your group, lab or clase that has experience of working with kalman filters, There is only so much we can do from here since we are not there phycically with you.

Also letting you know that for the next 2 weeks, answering the forum will be very slow due to the holidays.

Re: yawing in specific height

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 10:04 am
by RyanMco
Thanks alot!
