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Variance of Kalman Filter

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:52 pm
by thasu
I tried logging the variance of Position x and y (varX and varY) using the python client. I'm trying to sample particles for a particle filter using these variances. But varX and varY stuck at 100 all the time. It doesn't converge to a lower value. Currently I'm using only the flow deck. Is any kind of external positioning system required for converge the variance to a lower value?

Re: Variance of Kalman Filter

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:28 pm
by kristoffer

I tried it out with the Flow deck and get the same result as you. With the LPS system the variance is changing as expected but not with the Flow deck.

Unfortunately I don't understand why. If you find out, please share!