Hover mode using code and moving a certain distance in a direction

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Hover mode using code and moving a certain distance in a direction

Post by islamoc »

I m working on two aspects now is it possible to get a decent Hover mode using on board sensors and also the current firmware ?
and how you can implement it using the python lib?
is it possible to calculate the distance run by the crazyflie in a certain direction I want to tell the crazyflie to move 2 meters in a certain direction is
it possible to do that using code and how ?
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Re: Hover mode using code and moving a certain distance in a direction

Post by arnaud »

It is not possible to achieve a drift-less flight with only the sensor included in the Crazyflie. The reason is that the Crazyflie sensor can only measure acceleration and rotation, the acceleration should in theory be enough to achieve a stable position but noise and sensor drift makes is unreliable after a couple of seconds.

To achieve hover flight you need extra sensor, either a camera or other external local positioning system of an onboard sensor that can measure the Crazyflie movement in the environment. If you look at our latest blog post we are about to release a flow deck that contains an optical flow sensor, this is going to make it possible to achieve quite good hover flight: https://www.bitcraze.io/2017/06/icra-2017/.
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