Calibration questions

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Calibration questions

Post by Yaro »

I've some dubts about how calibrations are performed on CF and how much types of calibrations there is. I've found that calibration starts when stabilizer task starts performing first imu reading triggered in a if statement. I suppose this is sensor gyro calibrations of initial state.
About this I've some questions:
- Why you need to calibrate each time? It's enough to calibrate the first time(I mean save values on eeprom) and then after some fights again?
- I want to ask what is ACCEL_BIAS and what will change if I activate it
- I've seen that you implemented FF in sitaw, but I'll need anyway to perform calibration before?(I suppose yes becouse is asked by stabilizer task)

About other types of calibration I've read:
"The trim in the cfclient is a "high" level of trim and takes into account motors that are a bit angled, propeller differences etc."
"The calibration parameter in the config block (bootloader) is meant to adjust for the chip for not being mounted flat."

Where I can find more about cfclient calibration? It's just done using PARAMS to define ideal paramenters or it's something computed during flight? Also config block is set by cfclient and saved on eeprom?

Thank you!
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