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can we design and produce the HTC vive's basestations v1/v2 ?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 10:25 am
by justinleeyang

lighthouse position system, we must buy the HTC vive's device, can we design and produce likely devie to replace of the HTC vive's basestations v1/v2 ?

Re: can we design and produce the HTC vive's basestations v1/v2 ?

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 7:52 am
by kimberly
Welll.. good luck with that! You could try it of course, but unfortunately those base stations are quite complex I heard, so I wouldn't bother if I were you.

Re: can we design and produce the HTC vive's basestations v1/v2 ?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:37 pm
by krista
fwiw, valve produces *all* the v2 base stations, even the ones sold by htc. they're even $50usd cheaper on steam!

unfortunately, it is my understanding that v2 lighthouse tracking is not supported by the lps deck. i think i might take a stab at getting v2 to work if it's not functioning by the time i receive my crazyflie :)

Re: can we design and produce the HTC vive's basestations v1/v2 ?

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 9:23 am
by kimberly

You mean the lighthouse deck right, not the LPS deck? ;)

We are working on V2 support but it's definitely not easy. This quarter we will put a lot of manpower on it to hope to crack it quickly! If you also want to take a look at it, it would be good to start a new thread on this or send us an email so we can give you an update on the current process. It is good to not reinvent the wheel twice. But all help is definitely welcome.