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[SOLVED] Data Logging

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 7:53 am
by Calvin Chua
Is there a way to modify the example to let the quadcopter log more data (12 states variables)


Re: Data Logging

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:57 pm
by kristoffer
There is a limitation on the number of log variables in one log block (due to the radio packet size), but you can define multiple log blocks and pass an array of log blocks to the SyncLogger in one go

Code: Select all

lg_1 = LogConfig(name='first', period_in_ms=50)
# ... more code to define the log block
lg_2 = LogConfig(name='second', period_in_ms=50)
# ... more code to define the log block

with SyncCrazyflie('usb://0') as scf:
    with SyncLogger(scf, [lg_1, lg_2]) as logger:
        # Do stuff with the log data

Re: Data Logging

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 11:09 pm
by Calvin Chua
Hi Kris,
I tried your code but it shows error of list object has no attribute of 'default_fetch_as'. Can you show me what I might have done wrongly please?

Code: Select all

import logging
import time

import cflib.crtp
from cflib.crazyflie import Crazyflie
from cflib.crazyflie.log import LogConfig
from cflib.crazyflie.syncCrazyflie import SyncCrazyflie
from cflib.crazyflie.syncLogger import SyncLogger

import numpy as np

# Only output errors from the logging framework
URI = 'radio://0/80/2M'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialize the low-level drivers (don't list the debug drivers)

    lg1 = LogConfig(name='Stabilizer', period_in_ms=10)
    #lg1.add_variable('stabilizer.roll', 'float')
    #lg1.add_variable('stabilizer.pitch', 'float')
    #lg1.add_variable('stabilizer.yaw', 'float')
    lg1.add_variable('stateEstimate.roll', 'float')
    lg1.add_variable('stateEstimate.pitch', 'float')
    lg1.add_variable('stateEstimate.yaw', 'float')
    lg2 = LogConfig(name='Stabilizer', period_in_ms=10)
    lg2.add_variable('stateEstimate.y', 'float')
    lg2.add_variable('stateEstimate.vy', 'float')
    lg2.add_variable('stateEstimateZ.quat', 'uint32_t')
    cf = Crazyflie(rw_cache='./cache')
    with SyncCrazyflie(URI, cf=cf) as scf:
        # Note: it is possible to add more than one log config using an
        # array.
        # with SyncLogger(scf, [lg_stab, other_conf]) as logger:

        with SyncLogger(scf,[lg1, lg2]) as logger1:
            endTime = time.time() + 3
            for log_entry1 in logger1: 
                #for log_entry2 in logger2:
                timestamp1 = log_entry1[0]
                data1 = log_entry1[1]
                logconf_name1 = log_entry1[2]
                print('[%d][%s]: %s' % (timestamp1, logconf_name1, data1))
                #timestamp1 = log_entry2[0]
                #data1 = log_entry2[1]
                #logconf_name1 = log_entry2[2]
                #print('[%d][%s]: %s' % (timestamp1, logconf_name1, data1))
                if time.time() > endTime:

Re: Data Logging

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:08 pm
by kristoffer
Your code works on my machine :-)

Maybe you have to update crazyflie-lib-python?

Re: Data Logging

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:57 pm
by Calvin Chua
Just update to cflib 0.12.1 Its now working. Thanks